British trenches somewhere in France. World war has been going on for the third year, heroic illusions have dissipated; general mood - boredom and fatigue. Stuff the belly, sleep, return home to Christmas Eve. On another quiet day, when nothing happens, two young soldiers, Blake and Schofield, are summoned to the general, who instructs them to send an important message to Colonel MacKenzie in the Second Devonshire Battalion, whose telephone connection was cut off by the enemy 2019 genres - Drama, War audience score - 294598 vote 9 / 10 Star Daniel Mays
I dont like how they made it like Bruce lee had small man syndrome.
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It's cur-T-ain not 'cur-in. otherwise professional and wonderful video! Thanks.
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1600 men? Seriously, that's WW1 breakfast.
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Hopefully it shows how cowardly the upper classes were.
Hello- if this didn't win for cinematography what the hell would
German pilot. you brits want some Pizza.
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When a sprinter joins the lead roll 😂.
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4:46 *boy causally floats.
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Good to see more movies showing off the most pointless and destructive war in history. People should learn.
For your information, Sam Mendes' directed masterpiece is based on a story told from his grandfather who served in the WW1 and was assigned the similar task depicted in this film. I sensed the honesty in the storyline. For example, the extent of the German military intelligence was not understated. The one continuous shot definitely made the biggest contribution; Mendes and his team did a masterful job minimizing cuts or transitions while seamlessly shooting the battlefield scenes. I was extremely mesmerized by Roger Deakins' vivid cinematography that I think he deserves a second Oscar. Thomas Newman's score was marvelous, which lifted and sank my heart in scene by scene. The production designers accurately recreated the war zones and trenches where soldiers endured both the terror and desolation of war.
Forbes reviews 1917 as "The Best Picture of the Year, and I completely agree with that assertion. This deserves to join the list of films that will be highly regarded and recognized during this awards cycle, such as Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, The Irishman, Parasite, and Marriage Story.
1917 reviews. 1917 movie stories. So many wars have been fought. Lives lost, but evil and wickedness still exists and proliferates, multiplies by millions, sometimes in the guise or facade of good and sometimes with all teeth baring. Dance of evil would go on as long as Earth will exist. 1917 movie review. 1917 movie prague. A cinematic wonder. 1917: year of Passchendaele.
I will watch any movie that has Chadwick boseman in it. British imperialism fighting for democracy🤔🤔🤔🤔😂😂😂😂😂. Looks amazing need to go watch it Ferrari: super car and hyper car company Ford : Every day cars and one hell of a hyper car.
1917 مترجم.
We are captives of our own identities, living in prisons of our own creations. – T-Bag, Prison Break.
When the music started i got ' goose' bumps.
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Saw this movie on a HUGE screen with my twin 15 yr old daughters (I'm 59. Few people in theatre (perfect. Didn't think daughters would like they did, they loved it. Huh. Without getting to was just a great movie. Very realistic. My grandfather was in that war (German. He was just a 18 yr old kid and his duty was to ride in the back seat of one of those planes and throw (literally hand thrown) grenades, that looked like miniature torpedoes, onto the French forces below. Eventually the French shot them down, both surviving the crash-landing. The pissed off French grabbed the pilot and shot him, dead. My grandfather was taken as POW. This was during the battle of Verdun, a terrible, bloody major battle. My grandfather survived and later became a featherweight world boxing champion, first in Germany, then South America and Mexico. My mother was his oldest and only daughter and has always told me his stories. So, John, this movie really hit home for me. Loved love the fact my daughters liked it so much. Thanks for the great review. F.D. Koenig Gonzalez.
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Nobody: Boomers describin how they got to school: Literally the whole movie.
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Honestly this behind the scene feels more interesting than the movie itself.
1917 cuts.
1 view and 6 likes.
Benedict Combarbosch is everywhere now
It looks soo beautiful. One of the few times when I don't agree with Chris, for me It's A. And I know how to criticize... Lol. I have some thoughts 🤔 1917 is unlike any war film I've ever seen! This movie was shot in the most stunningly beautiful way possible. Cinematographer Roger Deakins (Almost all of the Coen Brothers films, Sicario, How to Train Your Dragon 1 & 2 and Bladerunner 2049 😍) alongside director Sam Mendes (as well as the rest of the crew of course) crafted a harrowing journey that doesn't let up at all during its 2 hour runtime. You feel as if you are right alongside our main characters as they push across enemy lines to save 1,600 British soldiers from an ambush set by German soldiers. The score by Thomas Newman, who has been creating great scores for decades, has created his BEST and gloomiest score to date. I was audibly hooked thirty seconds into the film 🎶👏🎶 I can't wait to sit down with the score soon! There are a ton of a-list stars in this film but they all have very little screen time (Richard Madden was the absolute best of the bunch in my opinion) compared to Dean-Charles Chapman and George Mackay and this is where the film excells. You are left with two everyday young soldiers that are given an impossible task and you form a bond with them as they make their way across the war torn country side. There are startling, heart wrenching, suspenseful, horrifying and inspiring moments throughout the entire film and they ALL need to be experienced on the BIG screen. I often tell people to see movies on the BIG screen but I've never meant it as much as I do right now. Don't go into this film thinking you're seeing something along the lines of Saving Private Ryan or Apocalypse Now. 1917 is much more intimate compared to those films and that is why it is such a unique cinematic experience. I will be seeing this again before it leaves the theater without a doubt. Don't sleep on this film! Trust me, it's an experience unlike any you've had before at the cinema.
1917 poster. 1917 night window scene. 1917 best scene. 1917 singing scene.
Meh, I think Parasite shouldve won. war movies are overrated. 1917 imdb. Saw this movie. Excellent film. Andrew Scott and Benedict Cumberbatchs scenes were both short but commanding. 1917 subtitles. 1917 showtimes prague. 1917 stories. The guy that Schofield knocked out before this clip is named Baumer. When the clip begins, Schofield knocks down a drunk soldier. A few seconds later, the soldier calls to Baumer. I found on IMDB that one of the other German soldiers in this scene is named Muller (Probably the drunk guy. The main character in All Quiet on the Western Front is a German soldier named Baumer and one of his squad-mates is named Muller. I think it's a neat reference to past literature. Guy walking Jocko: Id never walk that way.
1917 movie in hindi. 1917 official trailer. 1917 pandemic flu. Ah Cabrón! ¿Rambo contra el Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación? Rambo vs Cartel Jalisco New Generation. 1917 praha. 1997 relatif. I watched it with my dad, he didn't like it. He thought it was derivative, Basically just WWI Saving Private Ryan. Anyone else thought this. 1917 last scene.
I gotta say he sounds a lot like his dad